Turn 3D Models into Visuals in Seconds

Bring your early-stage designs to life instantly

Generate quick, clear visuals from any 3D model

How Crumly Works

Upload Your Model

Upload your 3D model and set the scene for your capture. Even rough models can give good results.

Write The Prompt

Write a simple prompt or sketch an idea. Use the editing tools for last-minute refinements.

Get Your Visual in Seconds

Crumly combines your prompt and model to instantly generate visuals to communicate your idea.

Key Features

Fast and Efficient

Get quick visuals without the wait. Perfect for fast-paced design discussions.

Multiple Formats Supported

Upload your 3D models in various popular formats. Crumly works with the formats you already use.

Handles Rough Models

Even rough or incomplete models can be transformed into clear, polished visuals with Crumly.

Easy Editing Tools

Intuitive navigation and editing tools allow you to fine-tune the view and add annotations.

Streamline Your Workflow

Communicate Ideas Clearly

Share your ideas visually in seconds. Crumly makes it easy to present rough drafts as clear visuals.

Speed Up Your Design Process

Generate visuals instantly for faster, more productive design discussions.

Save Time on Model Creation

No need for perfect models. Upload rough drafts, and Crumly will handle the visuals.

Unleash Creativity

Experiment freely with Crumly, allowing more creative freedom in the early stages of design.

Create Stunning Visuals

Take your design process to the next level with visuals that communicate your ideas clearly and efficiently. Start using Crumly today.


Do I need a perfect 3D model for Crumly to work?

No, Crumly works with rough or block models. Upload what you have, and Crumly will do the rest.

What file formats are supported by Crumly?

Crumly supports several common 3D file formats. We have tested it with GLB/GLTF, OBJ, 3DM, FBX so far.

How quickly can Crumly generate a visual?

Generally it takes between 3 seconds to 20 seconds. The results are better (and take longer) for a well defined prompt.